BELLY BIRTH OF BABY M - Michiana / Indiana / Michigan Birth Photographer

When you have five babies due within a ten week span, and they all decide to come in ten DAYS, its always an exciting time! Baby M was originally due in mid-August, but after his pregnancy caused some complications (and scares), for mom, it was time to schedule a c-section. While this didn't fit into the parents' original natural birth plan, it was what everyone involved felt was necessary and best all around and it was just as beautiful if things had gone as planned (but lets be real here, do babies EVER follow the plan?!). 

Meeting these two sweet parents was such a joy. At their consult, it was clear that they were prepared and thrilled to be welcoming another baby to their family of three and from what they said, big sister was more than ready to take on the new role, too. 

After it was decided that a belly birth was best, we changed up our plans and I experienced the most laid back, on-schedule delivery of my photography career. We met at the hospital bright (well actually dark) and early at 5am for check-in and surgery prep. After hanging out with their amazing and hilarious nurses for a couple of hours, mom was wheeled off to surgery right on time at 7am and baby was born at 7:33am happy and healthy despite being nearly 3.5 weeks early. Everyone was nestled in the recovery room and I'm not sure I've ever seen two parents more in love with their new baby. Mom just kept repeating, "I can't believe how cute he is! I can't believe how much I love him already!" and Dad's teary eyes in the delivery room and inability to look away from baby's face made it pretty clear how he felt about his new son. 

Thank you, V family, for including me in this amazing birth story!

BELLY BIRTH OF BABY Z - South Bend, Indiana Birth Photographer

I first met this sweet set of parents shortly (and I mean VERY shortly) after they found out they were pregnant. They were clearly very excited and wanted to make sure they documented every moment they could of their newest addition. As we talked, they revealed that about a year prior, they had lost a full term baby girl shortly after birth. After going through this tragedy as well as a c-section, they had high hopes for this birth to be both healing and wonderful. I was so humbled to be chosen to be a part of this amazing story.

Fast forward eight months and I got the text: "I'm 90% sure my water broke!" Game time! She was one of the statistically few mommas whose water breaks before contractions even started. After I met them at the hospital, these two did all the right things and worked hard alongside their doula to get baby to drop down and get labor to progress, but baby and mother nature had other plans and after nearly 24 hours of labor, the decision for a c-section was made. While it wasn't what they had hoped for, they handled everything with positivity and a smile. 

After what was probably the fastest c-section I've experienced, a healthy 9lb1oz baby boy arrived safely into the world! Seeing these two parents welcome their new son and compare him to pictures of their daughter was absolutely beautiful. I am always so excited and humbled to be included in this intimate and private time as families grow, but this story was especially beautiful and I am so beyond honored to have been there to capture it!

Doula services provided by Doulas of Michiana. 

South Bend + Michiana Birth Photographer - Birth Photography Can Be PG

It's funny because when it comes to birth photography, people seem to be totally for it or absolutely weirded out by it. Most of the folks I meet who do the "You're a WHAT photographer?!" double take think of all of the raw and unfiltered moments of birth and wonder why anyone would want that documented. And I get it! I really do. (But trust me when I say that even the raw unfiltered stuff can be documented tastefully and beautifully.) However, I'm not here to change anyone's mind or opinion, but I would like to explain how birth photography can be completely PG. Nothing "raw'. Nothing "embarrassing". Nothing you wouldn't want your kids to see. 

Birth photography doesn't have to be "shocking."

Mainstream media has taught us to believe that birth is traumatic and "gross." However, your photos will reflect differently. There are so many moments during labor, delivery and postpartum that are soft, calm and beautiful. A mother laying eyes on her baby for the first time is breath taking; a moment that you can't get back. It's also a moment that we, as mothers, can't see for ourselves. Having photos to look back on and see the joy and relief and pride on our own faces as we meet our children is priceless.

BBP's packages are totally customized long before the delivery.

I realize that birth photography is a big investment, both monetarily and in trust, which is why I want you to feel comfortable and in control every step of the way. At our first consultation, I will answer any questions you have before booking a session and make sure that I am someone you feel comfortable with including in your birth story. Then, at the beginning of your third trimester, we can meet in person, talk on the phone or communicate via email (your discretion) to customize your session. You dictate what moments you want documented and which you don't. For example, one previous birth client wanted minimal labor photos, no delivery images and mainly wanted immediate bonding moments, dad's reaction to seeing baby and all of the little details like weight, footprints and first latch. It was a PG session through and through and the images were refined and beautiful. But don't take my word for it...

"She [Cara] photographed our second son's birth ... and we are completely in love with the photos. She was professional and courteous and like a "fly on the wall" during labor and delivery -- I didn't even know she was there! She asked plenty of questions about what type of photos we wanted to have as a result of her photographing his birth and just made sure she knew what we were looking for."

This is your baby's first milestone. It deserves to be documented.

We document our children's first steps, first words, first everything. Yet somehow, we often don't document their first moments on earth. Babies are born perfect and beautiful and they also change day to day. By waiting to document your baby until the traditional newborn sessions lets days slip by that are filled with changes! Make sure you don't miss your baby's true newborn moments.