South Bend Indiana Newborn Fresh 48 Photographer - Hospital Fresh 48

It had been entirely too long since my last Fresh 48 session! While I will always love family sessions, Fresh 48 and birth photography is my where my heart is. I always love walking through the quiet halls of the mother baby unit knowing that I am getting a little sneak peek of a tiny person's first hours on earth. It's kind of humbling!

This session was unique for a few reasons: first, because it was super last minute! Secondly, because it was for the son of one of the amazing office managers/nurse's who worked with my husband and I during our pregnancy and birth. I was so excited to be able to give back to her family after the amazing experience our midwife group gave to us. Third, because it was the first session I've done where baby didn't have a name yet! It made it a little exciting ha ha. 

From the minute I walked into the room, it was obvious how loved this new baby boy was. Despite him being the umpteenth grandson and having multiple older siblings (his next closest being 9 years older), the excitement was unparalleled. In fact, mom stated that she "made the babysitters first," just for this little guy! And lets just pause to talk about the guest of honor. Baby boy was probably one of the most laid back newborns I have ever seen. I always have some sympathy for newborns; imagine living your life day in and day out exactly the same way for nine months and then suddenly...BOOM! Big, bright, loud new world. But this little guy seemed to have slid right into "our world" with no problem. He took everything in stride and hardly gave a wimper. It is my sincerest hope that his calm disposition continues (for mom and dad's sake) and that they share his surely epic name when it is official. What a great family!

Update: His name is Kyler :) :) :)

Granger Newborn Baby and Family Photographer - A Look at BBP's 2016

When I first decided to take this leap into documentary photography in 2016, it was one of the most terrifying and exciting things I have done (besides getting married and becoming a mom). I am not one to make myself feel vulnerable and this jump was the epitome of becoming vulnerable. But looking back, I am SO glad that I did it! This week, I have been cleaning up my hard drive (partially for sentimental reasons and to see growth but also because I managed to max out my Macbook's hard drive space) and I have come across so many amazing images. Not just of my own family, but the families of my clients!

It is so humbling to look back at this year's families and babies and know that these awesome people invited me into their lives and with a new type of photography to boot. To be a part of the stories of others is a really awesome experience; to see how they love each other and work together and spend their days. I genuinely enjoy looking back at these images and remembering each session and each family member. Knowing that these families will have images they can look back on together and remember all of the real, honest moments that they represent makes my heart happy, both as a photographer and a momma. I am so so excited to see what 2017 brings for BBP! 

Here's a look back at my favorite images of 2016. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do...



South Bend Indiana Newborn Photographer - Fresh 48: The "Why"

All right! Back to the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW of the Fresh 48 sessions. Today, in case you missed the title, I'm hitting the "why." I could honestly go on and on about this so please, forgive my rambling!

The best way I can think to emphasize the importance of a Fresh 48 session is to share my own story. I went into pregnancy and birth with a solid plan. I felt prepared (as much one can be) and couldn't wait for those precious first days with my newborn. I went in wanting minimal interventions and my midwives were all in; then life happened. Hello induction, 12 hours of active labor, emergency c-section and a recovery I wasn't expecting. Between being stuck in bed, learning how to nurse my baby and the utter fear/amazement of being a new parent, I hardly picked up my phone for a photo. Suddenly, it was months later and I was longing for some evidence of the beauty and craziness of those first couple of days! I don't even have one of me holding my daughter until after we were home. How sad is that???

The first couple of days with a new baby are chaotic and stressful, yet they're completely beautiful and irreplaceable. Having photos scheduled isn't usually at the top of the parents'-to-be's to-do list but IT SHOULD BE! Those images of you in your first moments as parents (or parents of 2, 3, 10 kids) are so inexplicably priceless. Not only do you want to remember every tiny detail of your beautiful new baby, but you want to remember yourself in this new role and in this new chapter of your life. And what about your other kids or family members? Bringing a new baby into their lives is a monumental moment, too. Your other kids are now big brothers and/or sisters. Your parents are now grandparents. A new baby means new titles for everyone and it only happens once. Fresh 48 sessions are YOUR chance to make sure that you, your family and the future adult your baby will be can cherish this incredible point in time.