Baby Bodie's Fresh 48 Newborn Pictures in Elkhart, Indiana

Welcome to the world Bodie Alan! First, I need to say how much I adore his name. He's the second Bodie I've had this year and I just think it's the cutest and coolest little boy name. Second, Bodie Alan also happens to be the son of two of our very best friends (and the parents of my daughter's best girl friend). I always feel so blessed to be included in my friends' babies' first days earthside and this one was even more special because I got to capture the bond between him and his sister. 

Bodie was tiny like his sister, weighing in at just 5lbs 13oz but that didn't put a damper on his handsome! He was also long awaited for by his maternal grandparents; they had four granddaughters which made Bodie their first grandson. This little dude will have his work cut out for him with all of those ladies to grow up with, but I have no doubt he will be a tough guy Harley junky just like his daddy. I can't wait to capture the rest of this sweet boy's milestones throughout the year.