Lifestyle Family Photos in South Bend, IN - Why You Should Consider Lifestyle Images for Your Fall Photos

Its no secret that fall is a photographer's busiest season! And for good reason; the colors are gorgeous, the temperatures are cool and comfortable and the evening light is spectacular. Its the trifecta for a great family photo. But keep in mind that it takes more than a great environment to make an amazing photo, which is where you have to decide what style is most fitting of your family. I'd like to share my thoughts on why documentary and lifestyle photos might be a great fit for you and your family:

1). They're unique.

Every family is so different and so unique and your pictures should be, too. So often, you will see the traditional ad pop up for fall minis on a specific date in a specific location. These images are always gorgeous and well set-up...but they all look alike! Each family that comes through is getting the same setting and the same poses and while they are lovely outcomes, do they really tell your family's story? Your family is so beautiful and each person in it has their own personalities that deserve to shine through and make your images unique from the session before and after yours. This is where lifestyle family photos come in and ensure that no two sessions are alike. 

I love this fall favorite! This little guy was a mover so having a photo like this allows you to capture him exactly as he was (a rambunctious two year old) in a beautiful way.

I love this fall favorite! This little guy was a mover so having a photo like this allows you to capture him exactly as he was (a rambunctious two year old) in a beautiful way.

This beautiful family bought this farm house in order to totally renovate it and turn it into their forever home. This photo isn't just beautiful, it tells the story of their family's journey, too!

This beautiful family bought this farm house in order to totally renovate it and turn it into their forever home. This photo isn't just beautiful, it tells the story of their family's journey, too!

Who knew cows could be so entertaining? Lifestyle images let us relax and enjoy ourselves but still result in breathtaking photos. 

Who knew cows could be so entertaining? Lifestyle images let us relax and enjoy ourselves but still result in breathtaking photos. 

2). They capture the truth.

When you hang a family photo on the wall or send out your holiday card, do the images capture the sassy attitude of your youngest daughter? Or your oldest son's silly side? Or your husband's amazing genuine smile? Do they showcase how you interact as a family? These are all things that should immediately come to the surface when you look at your family photos. Lifestyle images tell your family's honest, candid story in a beautiful way.

This family was Silly with a capital "S" and it shows in this photo. Everyone's personality shined through and I don't doubt for a second that mom can't look at this image without smiling. 

This family was Silly with a capital "S" and it shows in this photo. Everyone's personality shined through and I don't doubt for a second that mom can't look at this image without smiling. 

This little girl had so much joy in her heart that all of her older siblings were drawn to her.

This little girl had so much joy in her heart that all of her older siblings were drawn to her.

In between the family photos, Baby G just couldn't resist her kitten and chickens. I loved that not only could we get some fabulous family portraits, but we could also capture this girl's amazing heart for animals and the obvious nurturing of that lā€¦

In between the family photos, Baby G just couldn't resist her kitten and chickens. I loved that not only could we get some fabulous family portraits, but we could also capture this girl's amazing heart for animals and the obvious nurturing of that love from her momma. 

3). They can be fun - and therefore, beautiful.

Lets face it, when the topic of family photos comes up, some of your family members might not jump for joy. Rarely do people feel entirely comfortable in front of a camera and unfortunately, that often shows through in the images via uncomfortable poses and forced smiles. Lifestyle photography simply captures your family as it is; interacting with one another in a much more natural way. When I plan a family session, I always suggest having a few fun family activities planned (bubbles, a book, apple picking, pumpkin decorating, etc) so that everyone has something else to focus on besides the camera clicking in the background. The results speak for themselves:

For this session, we visited a local fall farm fair and it is safe to say that this may have been one of the most unforced, natural sessions I've had. Everyone had a great time! 

For this session, we visited a local fall farm fair and it is safe to say that this may have been one of the most unforced, natural sessions I've had. Everyone had a great time! 

When no one is telling you to "look here and smile," you get some pretty amazing candid moments. Can't you just see every personality in this one image?

When no one is telling you to "look here and smile," you get some pretty amazing candid moments. Can't you just see every personality in this one image?

First time carving pumpkins? What a fantastic idea for a session!

First time carving pumpkins? What a fantastic idea for a session!

BONUS: The outtakes are epic. 

I am TOO big enough to pick up this giant pumpkin!!!

I am TOO big enough to pick up this giant pumpkin!!!

Ok, so maybe not everyone in this one is happy, but its still one of my favorite photos because it tells such an honest story!

Ok, so maybe not everyone in this one is happy, but its still one of my favorite photos because it tells such an honest story!

That's a wrap, everyone!

That's a wrap, everyone!

So this fall, why don't you step outside the box and beyond the traditional. Let your family's candid beauty shine through. CONTACT BBP today to book your session.