South Bend Family Photography / Granger Family Photography - Leila's 3 Month Sneak Peek

For this session, I wasn't in my element. I have documented just about every milestone except a three month milestone. So going into Miss Leila's session, I was a little less confident than I am in some of my other sessions. But the moment I peeked at my memory card and saw some of the images, I knew this had potential to produce some of my favorite images to date! I just love this family and baby Leila and I can't wait to finish editing the entire session...

Michiana Family Photography - Finding the Beauty in the Ordinary

As I was writing my bi-monthly newsletter, I found myself typing out the phrase, "Find beauty in the ordinary." I closed my lap top and went about my evening but then the weight of that phrase really started to set in for me. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it completely embodies what I do as a documentary photographer and what my clients do when they book sessions. 

In todays world, we are constantly bogged down with media: both large scale and small scale, like social media. We see everyone's extravagant vacations, their brand new cars, their perfectly choreographed parties and internally, we start to feel a little less good about our lives. But the thing is, your life is beautiful because its yours. Your daily happenings are beautiful! Whether that means a birth or a newborn or just a day in the life of your family, there is true and cherished beauty there that deserves to be preserved. 

Want proof? Here are some of my very favorite images that perfectly embody finding beauty in the ordinary...

south bend family photography

This image is so relatable to anyone with multiple kiddos. Its such a simple moment. A moment that probably happens a few dozen times a day. But when time is stopped and the moment is captured in a photograph, the beauty just jumps out at you and tells so much about this family.

If you follow my Facebook, you know how much I adore documentary style portraits! This picture was from a mini-milestone session. It took place at a park. Not the scenic, peaceful ponds type of park. The 101 kids climbing all over some crazy playground equipment (no, seriously, a bus showed up about five minutes into the session and dropped off no less than 40 kids). Yet the simple, beautiful portrait was still captured during all of this chaos and it means even more to mom because it is at a park that they frequent and that Sophie adores!

Coloring. I think its safe to say that most families do this on a daily basis. Its a great filler for those down times when we want our kiddos to be content yet intrigued. Rarely would you run for your camera to snap a picture, yet in this in-home family photography session, the vibrant crayon colors, the careful selection by Mr. Cain along with his concentrated face and little sis in the background observing while savoring a sucker all tell an adorable story in a beautiful way.

(I had to sneak a personal image in here). My own home is where I truly learned to see the beauty in the ordinary! I love capturing the fun quirks and habits of my girl as she grows. Since she was very, very young, she has loved to take my books and pretend to read them. Its a simple habit that, in words, doesn't sound like anything special. But in this picture, its truly gorgeous.

See? Its not just the big moments that need to be captured. It doesn't have to be a major milestone or epic event to deserve to be preserved. Our every day lives offer infinite opportunities to capture their beauty. Contact me to schedule your session and capture your family's beauty!

South Bend Event and Family Photographer - Norah's First Birthday Sneak Peek

One of the great things about hiring an event photographer, is it lets you concentrate on the important things rather than making sure to take pictures. You can play hostess, visit with your guests and make important memories. Basically, its just one less thing off your already very full plate.

Little Norah was such a bundle of happiness at her first birthday party! Seriously, this girl didn't shed one tear and was so happy to have all of the birthday festivities around her. As if her sweet smiles weren't enough, the family's fun demeanor was just the cherry on top. I can't wait to share this fun gallery with you but until then, here's a sneak peek:


Michiana Family Film and Photography - Beauty of a Second: March

This project just gives me all of the feels. I seriously (and not exaggerating) watch these short monthly films about twenty times each. It's such a fun way to capture my daughter and all of her milestones and quirky habits.

Don't forget that BBP offers family films and fusion films to clients as well! Wouldn't it be lovely to have one of these for yourself???

Want to see other amazing Beauty of a Second projects? Check out Margaret's "One Second a Day" project and follow the links to see more.

Granger Newborn Photographer + Family Photographer: Family of Five

When a family grows and a new baby is brought into the equation, everything suddenly changes. Sometimes this looks like loving chaos. And sometimes, every now and then, it just look meant to be. That is how this newborn/family session with the N family went. Their family grew to a total of five, with the oldest sibling being only five. What should, in theory, be utter craziness was just so loving, comfortable and fun. 

From the minute I got there, the kids were excited to show what great big siblings they were to their new baby brother. Between helping mom feed baby to taking turns holding him, they were absolute naturals. Once Baby was settled and in full blown momma-milk coma, it was upstairs for story time with Dad. I loved how into the story both the older kiddos got; complete with singing and shaking their booties (and yes, I got that on video - which I can't wait to share down the road! Stay tuned.). 

After stories was crafts. Mom wanted to do a fun family canvas with little hand and feet prints to go underneath. This ended up as such a fun project for the kids, and even though Mr. Toddler decided to taste some paint and also decorate his jeans and feet, the final product was super cute. This was such a fun session and I feel so lucky to have been a part of their morning!

South Bend Family Photography - Day in the Life Session

Looking back over my past blog posts, I have gushed over each type of session I offer...except the Day in the Life sessions! Which is ironic because it is probably the most epic one (except maybe birth) that is offered and is also a personal favorite. Many people have never heard of a "Day in the Life" session so here are a few basics to get your gears turning...

What is a Day in the Life session?

It's exactly what it sounds like: a personal family photography session that documents a typical day in life. I show up right when the family generally wakes up and I catch all of those amazing moments that come with the morning routines, family activities and meals, daily emotions and milestones, as well as the always adorable bedtime schedule. 

Why would I want an entire day photographed?

Why wouldn't you?! Your daily doings are your story. Just think about your future self, 10, 15, 20 years down the road. Your life will look wildly different! How amazing would it be to have the opportunity to look back at a gorgeous photo book or video that perfectly showcases what your life looked like with your littles back when they were, well, little. Our kids grow so fast and change daily, don't we owe it to ourself and to them to be able to share those every-day memories that you create each and every sun up to sun down? 

Being a parent looks different to everyone and our roles are changing with ever passing second. The parent we are now is not the parent we will be in 10 years, just like our kids are not the people they will be 10 years. I know I never want to forget what my daughter was like right now, and Day in the Life sessions let me ensure that I wont. 

But my days are so boring and bland...

They're really not. When we are living our current lives and going about our normal routines, it is easy to feel like nothing important or exciting is happening. But the truth is, our "normal" is beautiful and perfect. Just because you don't have epic outings every day doesn't mean your life isn't photo worthy. Just take a look at my own personal Day in the Life session I did for my daughter's 2nd birthday:




Michiana Family Photographer - 50 Beautiful Moms Campaign Sneak Peek

Beauty Revived's 50 Beautiful Moms Campaign was such a blessing to be included in. When I found out I was selected as one of the photographers, I was so honored and humbled. Then, I started getting the nominations and that took things to an entirely different level. To read about some of the amazing moms in our community was simply beautiful and I truly wished I could have donated a session to each one of them. However, in the end, only one mom could be selected and so, I'd like to introduce Katie Van Tornhout.

Katie's story is nothing short of amazing and I can NOT wait to share it with everyone in depth when the campaign is officially published. Until then, here are some sneak peeks form her sweet in-home family session:

Michiana Family and Newborn Photography - What to Expect from a Documentary Newborn Session

There are a few specific life events that trigger the "I need pictures" area of your brain and probably the most common one is the birth of a baby. Newborn baby photography started becoming more and more popular in the last decade and now, it's almost more uncommon NOT to get them than it is to get them. There are few things more beautiful than a brand new baby and portrait photographers have showcased that through posed, swaddled, accessorized and propped babies. The images are adorable, undoubtably. However, the issue falls with this: they all look the same! I don't want to look at my newborn's pictures and have them look just like the session before hers. I want to see how peaceful she was in her new home, how little she looked in her crib, how curious our dogs were about this squishly little human and how utterly in love with her we were (still are). Doesn't that just pain a sweeter picture?

So now you're on board. You see the value in documentary newborn sessions. But what happens next? Here's the breakdown:

Choose your time frame.

When photographing newborns, often portrait photographers suggest getting them done between days x-y because the babe's are still pliable and sleepy (i.e. easier to pose). Your documentary newborn session can essentially take place as quickly or leisurely as your prefer. Some people want that immediate session within a day or two of getting home to truly get that newborn feel and to commemorate those first days as new parents. Others want to get settled in or let the newborn blemishes pass before the photo day. This is one of the great things; you choose whatever fits your needs.

Photos where you're most comfortable.

This is a big one for me. I am a homebody, and this was emphasized when I had a newborn. The last thing I wanted to do was pack up my baby and alllllll of her things (because, come on first time moms, we all know we overpacked every time we went out) and sit in front of a camera in a studio I'd never been to. The beauty of a documentary session is that you get to be in your own environment, doing what you'd be doing anyway. Fallen into the habit of nursing in your favorite chair? Perfect. Love putting baby in their bouncer while you prepare food in the kitchen? Great. Enjoy putting baby on your bed and just marveling that you created this tiny person? Lovely. Not only will these moments generate amazingly beautiful pictures, but will also help you remember what life looked like in this new chapter of your life.

It's more than "just" the baby.

When we think of newborn pictures, we usually think of just that: the baby. But documentary newborn sessions let everyone else get in on the moment. You get to choose the focus of your session. If you want solely baby focused images, no problem. We can do that! But often, we have other people (and even pets) that are a huge part of our newborn's story. Grandparents stop by with food, aunts and uncles come to get their baby fix, siblings patiently (or not) wait for cluster feeding to be done (see above haha), and furbabies learn to love the new addition. All of these things can be incorporated into your session and will be priceless additions to the photos.


Life is rarely (if ever) stagnant. Inviting a documentary photographer into your home ensures that no two pictures will be the same. Each moment changes the scene and you will end up with a gallery of images that are unique and beautiful. 

Interested in a newborn session? CONTACT ME.

Granger Birth, Newborn and Family Photographer - The Specialist

When you have a cold, do you go to the dermatologist? When you want a perfectly prepared steak, do you go to a baker? When you want to learn about literature, do you go to a science teacher? The answer to all of these questions is simply: no. 

In almost every field of work, there are specialists.

These are the people who focus their training and attention on a specified area of work or interest in order to be the best in that field. Yet for some reason, this just doesn't seem to be the case in photography. Many times, photographers market themselves as a "jack of all trades"; they do weddings, engagements, newborns, families, events. You want it, they'll make it happen. And while this may seem appealing, I just can't get on board with it. 

I don't want to be "pretty good" at everything, I want to be exceptional at something I love.

My passion lies in families. I love families. I love their dynamics, their complete and total uniqueness. I love the story of life. I think that families are often under-appreciated and overlooked and I strive to put a stop to that and showcase the absolute beauty of families. This is why I specialize in birth photography and family photography. 

To me, the growth of a family is a new chapter and often one of the most important ones. Birth, fresh 48's and in-home family sessions allow me to focus entirely on what I love and offer skills and experience to you that maybe a "jack of all trades" doesn't have. When I spend every single session out of studio, in unique homes, with unique families, I am constantly learning how to better capture the lives in front of me. This constant practice lets me grow continuously which in turn, means stronger and more priceless images for you. You don't deserve pictures that are "pretty good." You deserve pictures that are captured by a specialist whose love, passion and practice is right where you are: in the heart of your family. 

South Bend Family Photography - It's a Special Day

I wrote this last night, right after putting my not-so-baby baby to bed:

"Tonight I went to bed with stickers on my hands. She carefully placed them there and counted them happily only to announce I needed more and scampered off to retreive them. I could have taken them off. I could have put her straight to bed without rocking her. I could have. But the thing is, tomorrow she may not decorate me with stickers or even fit in my arms comfortably enough to fall asleep. So tonight, I sleep with stickers and tomorrow my baby turns two."

Michiana Newborn and Birth Photographer -

It's sneak peek time again! Baby Leila's in-home newborn pictures turned out so gorgeous with all of the soft whites and lovely, bright window light. Once again, this family made my job easy because they were so willing to just hang out and be together in a totally effortless, beautiful way. These are the sneaks focused on Miss Leila but gosh, I can't wait to share the full gallery complete including the documentation of a well-earned chocolate milk party...

Granger Family Photographer - Getting in the Frame

Since this is the LAST WEEK  to nominate someone for the 50 Beautiful Moms Campaign, today's post is for the moms! Chances are, if you are reading this blog, you are a mom. You are a mom who sees the value in documentary photography (or you're at least intrigued by it). You are a mom with kids who adore you. With kids who will one day crave photos that have you in them. Cringe.

I get it, moms! I really do. There are bad hair days, extra baby  or holiday fluff, haven't-seen-the-sun-in-months skin tones and 101 other reasons that you don't want to get in front of that camera. It is incredibly hard to look beyond the present and see that the beauty isn't in your appearance but in the moment. So let me put your mind at ease and break down some of these barriers for you:

Misconception: Extra "Fluff"

This is frequently a concern of moms who schedule sessions; it also hits home personally. Ever since having a baby, I haven't bothered to get myself back to those "before baby" days. I never blame this on the baby, I am completely to blame for the extra fluff. I love sugar and carbs, ok? I constantly have that conversation with myself about starting that diet next week, THEN I will feel better in my photos. But what about the moments that take place during that day? The day before the diet? Those moments count, too. Think about how you feel when you look at photos from high school or college. I remember taking those pictures and thinking ugh, I look so heavy/frumpy/insert any concern with vanity. Now I look at them and think, "Wow, what a fun moment that was." Chances are, our future self is not going to look and think, "If only I had lost those 10lbs before I took this picture." Nope, not going to happen. Take the picture. Forget the fluff.

Misconception: The Moment is About Your Kids, Not You

Wrong. Just wrong. You are MOM. You are like the sun of your family's solar system: you keep everyone alive and thriving. If your kiddos are having a great moment and making an awesome memory, it is most likely because you or Dad created it for them. You set the stage and made this moment possible! Get in there and live it with them. Hand the phone or camera to your significant other, set the self-timer, hire a documentary photographer (hint hint) and capture that memory with your kids. You will never regret that you did.

Misconception: You Can Get in the Frame Tomorrow

 Just like anything else you procrastinate doing, when you say, "I'll do it tomorrow," you rarely do it tomorrow. As hard as it is, take a deep breath and get in the picture today. Tomorrow is never a guarantee  and we all know that life can throw us unexpected curve balls. Make sure your children remember the good days, the laughs and the love - all of which include you. Documentary photography shows your future adult children how amazing you were when they were kids and how much you loved being their mom. They will always think you look beautiful and seeing you happy and joyful in pictures from the past are going to make their hearts happy one day.

Like what you see? CONTACT ME.