South Bend Birth and Newborn Fresh 48 Photography - Lets Talk About the "C-Word"

Caesarean. C-Section. Surgery. 

This topic is so very important. So many women think that birth photography or even Fresh 48 sessions aren't for them if they are getting the dreaded "c-word" and I want to just clear one thing up: That. Is. Not. True. C-Section births are just as beautiful as "natural" births. Birth is birth is birth.

I bring this up for many reasons. First, because there is a stigma. For some reason, some people see caesareans as a weak way out or not a "real" birth. But I challenge this thinking in every way! These moms and moms-to-be had to make a seriously hard decision, often in the heat of a very scary moment, to do what is best for their babies. I'd dare to assume that no one stops and thinks, "Gee, I think I will opt for major abdominal surgery that leaves me bed ridden for twice as long as vaginal delivery and in pain and/or discomfort for months after my baby is born." It is not a decision that is ever made lightly. I speak from experience.

C-Sections are absolutely beautiful. The strength shown by the parents, the graceful and skilled dance that the nurses and surgeons do that brings a beautiful new life into the world - its all incredible. So if you are a c-section momma and you want birth photos or a fresh 48 session (or both), don't hesitate. This is your story and it is one to be proud of. Don't let it go untold. 

IV's, needles, stitches and staples can't hold back the beauty of a fresh c-section mom and baby. 

South Bend Newborn Fresh 48 Photography - Sneak Peek

It has been WAY too long since my last Fresh 48 session! Every time I do one, I am reminded how much I love newborns in their first hours on this earth with their new families. It is such a humbling and blessed experience. 

Like what you see? CONTACT ME?

Osceola Indiana Family Documentary Photographer - Reed Sister Session

Being a girl mom always seems so sweet to me; maybe it's because I have a little girl or maybe its just the cute factor but no matter the reason, this session totally won me over! Normally, sessions include mom and dad so when Momma Reed decided to have a session primarily focused on her two daughters and her fur baby, I was nervous to make it work but excited for the challenge.

From the moment I walked through the door, Miss P was SO excited to be in front of the camera. I'm convinced this girl is going to be a star. She's got the spunk, the sweetness, the looks; she's pretty much the whole package. Where most kiddos like to ignore me or feel intimidated by the camera, Miss P had to be reminded NOT to say cheese! 

Miss H might be one of the most laid back, go-with-the-flow three year olds I've yet to meet. She was up for whatever big sister wanted to do and could make each situation fun and happy. Her idolization of her sister and her love for her fur baby was so apparent and heart warming it made me think MY Baby F might need a sister...(just kidding). But sereously, these girls were a total blast and between the dressing up, tea party and playing with babies, there was almost too much cute for one session! Thank you Reed girls for letting me into your sparkly little world. 

Goshen Birth, Newborn, and Fresh 48 Photographer - The How

This is the last installment of my WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY and HOW of the Fresh 48. Describing the how is a little different than the other blog posts because rather than it being centered on what you, the parent, will get or choose, and focuses more on what I, the photographer, will do. So here we go...

HOW I conduct Fresh 48's

I want to start by saying that Fresh 48's and births are really where my photographer's heart lies. I adore family sessions and will always keep them in my session offerings, but there is just something special about a new life being brought into the world and the impact that has on the new parents and their family and friends. That being said, this pricelessness is what I try to convey in your images. 

For Fresh 48 newborn sessions, I send a questionnaire a couple of weeks prior to your due date where we will discuss all of the important elements of your session like what you want captured, important elements of your pregnancy, unique facts about your partner and family, etc. Again, this is YOUR special time as a bigger family and I want to capture exactly what you want to remember. This questionnaire allows me to come into the session well prepared to make this a unique and valuable session for your family.

I usually ask for a quick email or text when labor has started so I know that I will have a session within the next few days! Once I arrive upon your request, you can think of me as a fly on the wall who happens to have a camera (no distracting flash or awkward tripods). I will use the light that is available in the room (fingers crossed for at least one window) and capture the moments of bonding, family meetings, or whatever else was specified in the questionnaire responses. 

I want to get the details...

The newborn habits...

And the intense, undeniable feels...

Fresh 48 and newborn sessions should NOT be stressful or uncomfortable. This is your special family time that you can not get back and I want to give you the most calm, relaxed, real experience possible. Real over ideal.

Like what you see? CONTACT ME.

South Bend Indiana Newborn Photographer - Fresh 48: The "Why"

All right! Back to the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW of the Fresh 48 sessions. Today, in case you missed the title, I'm hitting the "why." I could honestly go on and on about this so please, forgive my rambling!

The best way I can think to emphasize the importance of a Fresh 48 session is to share my own story. I went into pregnancy and birth with a solid plan. I felt prepared (as much one can be) and couldn't wait for those precious first days with my newborn. I went in wanting minimal interventions and my midwives were all in; then life happened. Hello induction, 12 hours of active labor, emergency c-section and a recovery I wasn't expecting. Between being stuck in bed, learning how to nurse my baby and the utter fear/amazement of being a new parent, I hardly picked up my phone for a photo. Suddenly, it was months later and I was longing for some evidence of the beauty and craziness of those first couple of days! I don't even have one of me holding my daughter until after we were home. How sad is that???

The first couple of days with a new baby are chaotic and stressful, yet they're completely beautiful and irreplaceable. Having photos scheduled isn't usually at the top of the parents'-to-be's to-do list but IT SHOULD BE! Those images of you in your first moments as parents (or parents of 2, 3, 10 kids) are so inexplicably priceless. Not only do you want to remember every tiny detail of your beautiful new baby, but you want to remember yourself in this new role and in this new chapter of your life. And what about your other kids or family members? Bringing a new baby into their lives is a monumental moment, too. Your other kids are now big brothers and/or sisters. Your parents are now grandparents. A new baby means new titles for everyone and it only happens once. Fresh 48 sessions are YOUR chance to make sure that you, your family and the future adult your baby will be can cherish this incredible point in time.