Baby Lindsay's Fusion Film - Goshen Birth and Newborn Photographer / Goshen Birth and Newborn Photography

Sweet baby Lindsay Cole. Even her name radiates warmth and beauty. She surprised us all (none more than her mom and dad of course) by arriving over five weeks early. While she has faced some health challenges in this first chapter of her life, her strength and resilience continue to shine through. And that is to say nothing of her parents who might just be the most genuinely loving people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Despite set backs and unexpected turns, they persevere with smiles and affection for their new daughter. I was so happy that we were able to squeeze in a low-key Fresh 48 session while baby was feeling up to it; I hope that this video will bring a smile on the tough days and will be cherished in the years to come. While Baby Lindsay continues to grow stronger, my prayers stay with her, her parents and her sisters. 

World Breastfeeding Week - Birth and Newborn Photographer / Plymouth Birth and Newborn Photography

This week is World Breastfeeding Week! Having joined the birth community in our area, I have learned so much about all things birth and baby. I've also learned to start to see beauty in places that I hadn't noticed it before (sadly). One of those places is breastfeeding. After photographing dozens of babies, I have also photographed dozens of nursing sessions and wow, those images always stop me in my tracks.

The bond is breathtaking.

As a mom who nursed for 18 months, I know first hand the bond that breastfeeding can create between a mother and baby. Capturing that bond in an image is always so stunning. Whether it is a brand new baby or an older toddler, this bond is always immediately apparent in nursing pictures and I know without a doubt that these mothers will love looking back on these images (once those long nights of cluster feeding and comfort nursing have passed).

The moment is fleeting.

plymouth birth and newborn photography

Even for those moms who choose to (and are physically able to) partake in extended breastfeeding, the sweet moments of rocking and quietly whispering to their babies goes so fast. Suddenly, one day, you realize that your days of breastfeeding are numbered and your child needs you just a little less. Its such a bitter sweet feeling; partly relief to be "free" and partly heartbreaking to be a little less connected. 

It's beautiful.

south bend birth and newborn photography

Breastfeeding is just simply beautiful. A baby putting their entire trust and well being in their mother; their mother staring lovingly down at their child.

But it's beauty is far beyond face value. Breastfeeding in and of itself is a struggle; it takes determination, resilience and selflessness. It challenges even the toughest of women. It is literally giving your body to someone else for months on end. Its leaky and sore nipples, engorged breasts, pumps and shields. It is (or at least was for me) the most difficult thing you do in those early years of motherhood. And THAT makes it even more beautiful. 

A shoutout to the mommas who pump! I personally know moms who, for one reason or another, went the path of exclusively pumping and let me tell you, those ladies are rockstars. I mean, wow.

south bend birth and newborn photography

A note to the moms who didn't breastfeed: You rock. Whether you couldn't or chose not to does not matter in the least. You fed your baby. Your baby loves you regardless of nipple or bottle, breastmilk or formula or both. Your strength and beauty as a mom is equally as noteworthy and praiseworthy. This post and the World Breastfeeding Week is simply in support of normalizing and celebrating the act of breastfeeding.

Fresh 48 Newborn Photography + South Bend and Michiana / Baby Lindsay Sneak Peek

This sweet, tiny little girl decided to join this world five weeks early! Prayers to this girl as she adjusts to life earthside. I can't wait to share Baby Lindsay's entire birth story and gallery, but until then, here are some sneak peeks to give everyone a quick adorable newborn fix in a tiny preemie package...

Newborn Photography in South Bend and Michiana - Leila's Newborn Session

I had a blogging fail. After scrolling through my old blog posts, I realized that while I released a sneak peek for Baby Leila's newborn session, I never posted the full gallery!!! And seriously, what a total shame that would be to let it go unseen because this baby girl and her family are simply gorgeous.

And so, even thought baby Leila is coming up on her 6 month milestone session (what?!), here is her completely lovely newborn session...

Michiana Birth Photographer / Michiana Birth Photographer - Fresh 48 Sneak Peek

I am so lucky to be supported by our amazing midwifery in South Bend! Not only do they value the services that I offer to their patients, but I've also grown to know some of these ladies on a more personal level which has now resulted in me having the opportunity to document the first 48 hours of TWO of the nurse and office manager's grandchildren! And lucky me, they were both the cutest babies with heads full of hair and amazing siblings and parents to go with.

Here is a sneak peek from last weekend's Fresh 48 session with baby Avery...

South Bend Birth Photographer / South Bend Birth Photography - Baby A's Birth Story

I am always, and I mean always, astounded at the strength and determination of women giving birth. The absolute strength and determination; the vulnerability and surrender. It's so incredibly humbling to be included in these moments for these mothers.

This particular mom had a birth plan in mind and I was impressed from day one at how determined she was to accomplish it. Thankfully, the stars all aligned and allowed for that to happen! After nine hours of labor, this woman became a mom at 10:26am, welcoming her very first daughter into this world with exhausted grace and excitement. Watching her push through all of the struggles of an all natural childbirth was so amazing! What strength that took.

With a room full of support from her midwife, doula, nurse, mom, sister and partner (it was crowded in there, yes), there was absolutely no way that this mom-to-be could fail. Her support system wouldn't let her! To see a mom surrounded by so much love and support from those around her was something truly unique and beautiful; not to mention that she was bringing a baby girl into this world surrounded by so much love. 

I am so excited to share these amazing birth photos with you and to help tell the story of Baby A's birth...

South Bend Family Photographer / South Bend Family Photography - A Personal Project: My Tiny Equestrian

In case you missed it on my Facebook page, we have added a new member to our family: Knox. Knox is a 24 year old Quarter Horse. 

Some back story: I grew up riding horses from around 8 years old into adulthood. It was one of those things where the first time I rode, it just clicked. It was natural, it was fun and I was really, really good at it. What started off as a hobby turned quickly into an obsession and I pretty much lived at the barn. Throughout junior high and high school, I owned three horses, trained others, showed all over the country at a National level and found peace and love at the barn.

Flash forward: My daughter is two. I haven't owned a horse in several years (sniff). For about six months, Miss F is just drawn to horses; she plays pretend horses, we have plastic horses everywhere, she begs to see her friend's pony. My husband says I'm nuts, she's just two, she loves everything. I reach out to an old horse show friend who is now a trainer and she mentions she has a client with a perfect old gelding who would love some extra affection and treats. Despite some dragging of the feet from my hubs, Knox was suddenly a part of our crazy family! 

I wasn't totally convinced myself, that I wasn't wishful thinking Miss F's love for horses. That is, until we started going to the barn and riding. Then it all became abundantly clear (even to my skeptical hubby). I will just let the pictures speak for themselves...

Clearly, this love is not imagined. The bond between these two is undeniable. This docile old giant perks right up when he sees her (and no, not just because she frequently comes baring treats). He snuffles her hair and teases her; he's infinitely patient and calm. She is enthusiastic and eager to learn and she adores her big gelding. I can't wait to continue the "My Tiny Equestrian" project and document the journey of Miss F and Knox!

Indiana + Michigan Birth Photographer / Birth Photography - Why a Documentary Photographer is Your Best Option for a Birth Photographer

If you have made the decision to have a birth photographer but are struggling to decide which one to book, here is something to consider: obviously, I would hope you would choose me to be included in your amazing birth journey, but I also know there are other great options out there! But there is one statement I'd like to make and explain: documentary photographers are your best option when booking a birth photographer. Here's why...

1). Documentary photographers are experts at the unexpected. 

Think about it: while most other photographers work in ideal settings (see reason 3) and are used to giving closely followed directions for poses, documentary photographers are always photographing in uncertain, unpredictable situations. We don't pose our clients and so we are well trained and practiced at catching moments as they happen, yet still make sure our composition and ascetics are spot on. We are used to dealing with moments that happen quickly so the unpredictability of birth is not surprising or out of our comfort zone. It's just part of the job! 

Take these pictures for example. You can image that these kiddos didn't just meander into the room calmly to meet their new sibling but despite the chaos and movement, I was able to capture each kiddo's reaction to first seeing their new baby sister.

2). We can find beauty in the most complicated moments. 

As documentary photographers, it is our job to capture and showcase moments and emotion in a beautiful way. Birth photography allows us to do this. Moments can be fleeting and in birth, can change quickly. Documentary photographers are able to predict what might come next and best position themselves to tell your birth story and present you with images that show all of the emotions and relationships and interactions that happen during labor and delivery. 

This momma powered through an intense induction by breathing through the surges and relying on her amazing support team. Just look at the calm all over mom's face and the steady reliability of her midwife and husband. 

This momma powered through an intense induction by breathing through the surges and relying on her amazing support team. Just look at the calm all over mom's face and the steady reliability of her midwife and husband. 

If this doesn't tell their story, I don't know what would. 

If this doesn't tell their story, I don't know what would. 

Mom's reaction to first seeing the result of her hard and long labor is always a fleeting moment but one of the most honest and beauitful moments. 

Mom's reaction to first seeing the result of her hard and long labor is always a fleeting moment but one of the most honest and beauitful moments. 

3). Documentary photographers can work in any lighting situation. 

Most photographers work with ideal lighting situations, whether it's artificial light in a portrait studio or a carefully placed family in a lifestyle session. Documentary photographers come into clients homes unsure of the available light (if any) and work around the challenges. Lack of natural light, artificial light, low light; we've seen it all and know how to work around it and still produce beautiful images. So the challenging lighting that can be present in hospitals and birth centers and even home births isn't a challenge we are unfamiliar with and thrown off by. It is a challenge we will meet head on and confidently. 

The only light in this room was the overhead light above the bed and yet this is still one of my favorite images! Just look at those highlights and shadows that capture that perfect dimpled chin.

The only light in this room was the overhead light above the bed and yet this is still one of my favorite images! Just look at those highlights and shadows that capture that perfect dimpled chin.

Lets face it, babies never come when it's light outside! Working around hospital lights is challenging, but the result can be amazing. 

Lets face it, babies never come when it's light outside! Working around hospital lights is challenging, but the result can be amazing. 

No flash? No windows? No problem. 

No flash? No windows? No problem. 

4). Documentary photographers know how to blend into the environment. 

We don't do posing and we strive to capture real, honest moments and to do that, we have to learn how to be present but also non-disruptive to the environment. This is so important in birth! You don't want a photographer who is unsure where they belong in the dynamic or who is a little too involved. Having someone who knows just how present to be is important and reassuring to everyone involved in the birth. 

I could go on and on, but these are my four top reasons for truly believing that documentary togs are your best option when booking a birth photographer. 

Indiana Birth Photographer / Indiana Birth Photography - Taking Your Own Amazing Newborn Pictures

I am the first to admit that I literally had to go out and buy a new iPhone with more storage when my daughter was first born. Why? Because I took approximately 236 pictures of her a day. When you first bring baby home and you're SO excited and SO proud that you created this beautiful, perfect little creature, there is no stopping a momma's shutter finger! With that in mind, we also want to get the best pictures we can with our limited camera phones so here are some tips...

Don't Skip the Professional Newborn Images

michigan birth photography

If it is in the budget, I still encourage you to get these done professionally. Whether it is a Fresh 48 (pick me! pick me!) or an in-home newborn session, invest in it. You will never regret having those professional photos of your beautiful new baby.

Get the Details

indiana birth photography

I would venture to say that there are few things more beautiful than the tiny, intricate details of a newborn. From their squishy cheeks, to dimpled chins (just look at that little guy above), to their perfect little toes, don't miss those shots! Make sure to get creative here and notice your light and your perspective when taking these images. Don't take 12 pictures from the same exact spot, use some variety and move your phone around then delete the ones that are less than favorable (or just upgrade to a larger storage plan on the cloud and keep them me...sigh).

Tell Your Story

indiana birth photography

Use your surroundings to tell your baby's story. Even the newest of babies has their quirks and habits and you never want to forget about those. Make sure to reach beyond the beautiful details of your baby's face, fingers and toes and tell the story of your life as it is right now (messy house and all).

Use Your Light

indiana birth photography

Unless you are catching that amazing first smile or some other fleeting moment, use all of this newborn sleepiness and down time to make sure you get the best picture possible. Natural window light is your best option so make sure baby is placed somewhere that the soft light hits their sweet faces just right. Embrace the shadows and use it to play up some of those features! Don't be afraid to move yourself or baby to get the most flattering angle.

And probably the most important tip...

Get. In. The. Frame.

michigan birth photograph

I get it, ladies, I do. You just had a baby. You may not be feeling your most attractive (although you totally should because there is nothing more radiant than a powerful woman who just spent nine months growing a human and then battled for hours to bring said human into the world but I digress...). At this point in time, you are quite literally the sun to this newborn's world. You provide safety, comfort, companionship, food and never-ending love. Capture that. Don't let these moments slip away. Because let me assure you, you will blink and suddenly this tiny baby who once fit in the palms of your hands will have to fold themselves into impossible positions to fit in your lap...if they even let you cuddle them for that long anymore! This time with your baby is irreplaceable and both you and your baby will want these pictures to exist years down the road. So hand the phone over to dad and tell him to click away, because you are the friggin' sun! 

Michiana Birth and Family Photography / South Bend Birth and Family Photography - Leila's 3 Month Milestone

I. Loved. This. Session. I was a little worried at first, because at three months old, babies are just gaining some independence and stability, but aren't overly active yet. But this girl immediately put my worries at ease with her sunny disposition and sweet baby smiles! You would never, ever guess that she had been woken from a nap or that her gorgeous momma was going off of three hours of sleep after a night working at the hospital. They simply went about their day with joy.

And I know I've raved about these kids during their last two sessions, but oh my goodness, they are just the best! They are such great siblings! While each of them has their own big personalities, they clearly enjoy each other and look out for each other. Not only that, but it was abundantly clear that the infatuation with their youngest sister was still going strong. Little Leila is so lucky to have so much love in her life. I can't wait to see this family again in three months! 

Indiana Family Photography / Indiana Family Photographer - Outdoor Documentary Family Sessions

Documentary family sessions almost always take place inside. Your house, your home, is the heart of your family and so this equates to the ideal setting for your family's photography session. It allows you to be natural and comfortably and will give the future you a glimpse back into your daily surroundings of a different time. I love in-home sessions.

That being said, there are a lot of positives to outdoor documentary sessions, too. There are a few really great reasons to opt for outside sessions and I thought I'd address a few of them:

1) Your family has a favorite outdoor activity.

Some family are just outdoor families (we are). Some families routinely go on adventures beyond the confines of their home. If your family enjoys going to beach on the weekends, grilling out in the backyard on nice nights, swimming in your pool after a long hot day or playing at the park together, you might want to consider taking that leap into documentary family sessions! 

2) The outdoors are part of your daily routine.

Many families have daily outdoor routines! Living on a farm means daily chores, and let me assure you, these chores make for amazing documentary sessions. Whether you are feeding the animals, picking stalls or sweeping barns, the rustic setting makes for amazing images that tell such a huge part of your story.

Don't live on a farm? How about sports?! If you have children who are involved in sports, you know that this is a huge part of your current chapter in life. Its often a family affair from packing up equipment, commuting to practice, cheering during practice/games and celebrating (or consoling) afterwards. These moments are worth remembering and preserving through photographs and video.

3) You're just not ready to take the leap into in-home sessions.

You may be intrigued by documentary photography. You may silently watch and love the storytelling sessions you see on social media. You may adore how families are captured so honestly. But you're just not ready to take that leap away from portrait photography and let someone into this very personal space that is your home. That's ok! I get it; really I do. If you are that person, then consider an outdoor session. Sometimes, just being outside feels less intrusive and more relaxed and also takes away any insecurities you may have about the current state of your home (even though I'd argue that your home is just an extension of your story, but I digress). Outdoor sessions still allow you to capture the important milestones and sweet tendencies of your family while offering a gentler stepping stone into this new genre of photography!

South Bend Birth Photography / Michiana Birth Photography - Mother's Day

Moms are amazing.

There's just no arguing it; moms are some of the strongest and most selfless people you will ever meet. It pretty much starts as soon as those two pink lines show up. Moms give up specific foods, alcohol, sleep, comfort...all before baby even gets here! And once baby is here, moms go to the ends of the earth to provide for them and will work to exhaustion just to make sure their children are happy and content, even at the cost of meeting her own needs. 

And this is what makes my job so, so blessed. I get to work almost exclusively with moms! I have met so many incredible women in so many different chapters of their motherhood. I get to see them at their most vulnerable yet their strongest during birth, I get to see them in absolute bliss as new moms, I get to watch them teach, raise and nurture their kids as they grow. To have this be the type of human I get to interact with is nothing short of humbling and beautiful.

Some of the moms (too many) I have met have endured the impossible: the loss of a child. And yet these women smile and support and love with a fierceness. Some of the moms struggled to have a family and now, they revel in even the most challenging moments of parenting. Some of the moms endure personal and physical battles that most of us can't imagine and yet they offer a shoulder and kind word to both their own children and everyone around them. (Scroll down to continue reading).

I am truly a better person because of the moms I have had the privilege of working with. I am more grateful for my own blessings. I am stronger because I know I can be because of their examples. I am more patient because they exhibit nothing but true understanding. So thank you, moms, for making me better. Happy Mother's Day!

Please scroll down for my mini-mushy-moment over the girl who made me mom and my own mom!

Thank you to the girl who made me mom! She has changed me in every way possible and I never knew this kind of love until her. She makes me smile, even on her worst days (which are far and few between). She truly is my tiny best friend and I feel so blessed to have a daughter to share this life with. I also feel an inexplicable gratitude to my own mom, who I hope I can be half as good as!
