South Bend Newborn and Family Photographer - Baby Bodie's Fresh 48

Have I ever mentioned I LOVE Fresh 48's? Ok. Just checking...

From the moment that I walked into this mother baby room, I knew that this was a special family. Their newborn baby boy was being admired by what may have been the nicest, most knowledgable nurse ever, with both parents staring on adoringly:

I mean really, have you ever seen such a happy little family? I was so excited that Momma T texted me really quickly after Baby Bodie was born because I got to capture so many sweet, special moments! From his first bath (he loved the hair wash but not so much with the sponge bath), to the delivery of Jimmy John's subs (come on mommas, we all KNOW how much we crave a good cold-cut after depriving ourselves from them for nine months), to the family meet and greets, this was just a beautiful session.

Momma T had specifically mentioned wanting lots of photos of the family meeting Bodie. This little guy was the first grandbaby for both sides so needless to say, he was destined for an infinite amount of love and adoration from the get-go. The way that the grandparents looked at baby was just so heartwarming, I couldn't take enough pictures. When I finally got around to getting some detail shots, I fell head-over-heals for his amazing dimpled chin. This was the baby chin that dreams are made of. I am so excited to share this gallery with you all and hope that Momma T, Daddy B and Baby Bodie enjoy these pictures for years to come...

Event and Family Photography in Granger, Indiana - VIDEO Has Hit BBP

I always thought my heart belonged with photography - until I realized I could also have video. I first started taking video of my daughter; I figured if I learned most of my photography skills by constantly photographing her, I could learn video the same way. Then, I surprised some of my clients with fusion films (big hit). Finally, this past weekend, I put all of my filming skills to the test and made a video.

And. I. Love. It. 

In 2017, fusion films and other video options are available to all of my clients! If this is something that pulls at your heartstrings, contact me.


50 Beautiful Moms Campaign


Local Photographer Joins National Search for America’s Beautiful Mothers

As part of Beauty Revived, a photography movement, Cara Bettcher is asking for nominations for beautiful mothers in Michiana to be featured in a national magazine.

The beauty of these women will not be measured by their waist size or flare for fashion.  No, these women will be chosen because of their real beauty, their courage and their countenance.  The winner will be given a free photo session with Borne Back Photography and a feature in the Mother’s Day issue of Beauty Revived magazine.

Beauty Revived is a movement that celebrates women with real beauty.  Photographers donate sessions to these women and their stories are featured in their magazine and website: 

Hundreds of photographers applied to be a part of the Beauty Revived 50 Beautiful Mothers campaign and Cara Bettcher of Borne Back Photography was chosen to find a deserving mother to photograph.

“Beauty Revived is such a great organization working for an even greater cause. They see beyond the surface and place the value where it truly belongs: in the integrity and inner beauty of women, in this case, specifically mothers.”

Bettcher will be accepting nominations from January 20th through February 11th and will then choose one individual to donate a photography session to.  The mother chosen will be an example of real beauty and will have shown their beauty by their service when weary, grace in defeat and kindness when tried.  

“By participating in this campaign, I hope to bring awareness and appreciation for all of the amazing mothers in our community.”

Beauty Revived was started eighteen months ago as a way for photographers to use their lens for good and shine light on the real beauty that was happening in our communities.  In the last year and a half, more than 300 women, girls and children have been featured on their website and magazine.

“As a high school senior photographer, I started Beauty Revived because I saw the power that a photographer has in shaping perception and altering dialogue on beauty,” Michelle Gifford, Beauty Revived founder, said. 

 “The photographers who participate in our campaigns not only have great technical and artistic talent but also have big hearts and a desire to be more than just a picture taker.  They want to be a photographer who changes the world with their work,” Gifford said.

For more information about Beauty Revived, please visit and to nominate a deserving mother please visit the NOMINATION PAGE HERE.


Birth, Fresh 48 and Family Photographer in Granger, Indiana - Baby Bodie's Fresh 48

Fresh 48 newborn photography sessions are amazing. Period. Seeing people become parents, whether for the first time of the tenth time, is such an incredible experience. Seeing how they adjust, grow and learn to be everything their tiny new baby needs is beautiful. I really can't say enough about Fresh 48 sessions...

And this one in particular has my heart. Taeylor and Brant were first time parents but you would never guess that when you see them with their handsome baby, Bodie. These two were clearly head-over-heals in love with this little guy and that made everything feel completely natural. I can't wait to blog more about this session when I share the whole gallery! Until then, here's the sneak peek...

Plymouth Indiana Family, Event and Birth Photographer - Baby R's First Birthday

This blog post is so awesome to me for so many reasons, but the main one is the fact that Baby R, whose birthday party I got to document, was my very first Fresh 48 baby! I can't even wrap my head around the fact that she is ONE! 

I was so grateful one year ago when Momma K put her trust in me, then a total novice in the world of hospital sessions, and let me be a part of their intimate moments as a new family of three. Now, I am again grateful that she invited me to document Baby R's first birthday. The amount of love and adoration for this littler girl was evident. The smiles, hugs and genuine happiness that graced this party was so heartwarming and I think that is obvious in her images. I can't wait to share the whole gallery and the new product (VIDEO! Stay tuned to Facebook on Saturday) but until then, here's a quick sneak peek:

Like what you see? CONTACT ME!


South Bend Indiana Birth, Newborn and Family Photography - The Image vs. the Pull Back

So many times in family documentary photography, I hear the common concern that the house just isn't a good setting. It's too "old," too cluttered, too small, too dark, {insert any common qualm we all have about our own homes}. Many people genuinely feel like this will inhibit their images but I am here to tell you: they're wrong. Maybe not wrong, but misinformed. 

Your house is part of your story.

Empty walls, couch clutter, bummy clothes. None of that matters when I see this photo. All I see is my awesome husband bonding with our adorable baby.

I like to start by pointing that out. So many times, we get caught up in the "ideal" and this includes our homes. I'm absolutely guilty of this; I love decorating my home and it drives me absolutely crazy when there is clutter. And all of those concerns I listed above about homes (old, small, dark) - my house could be put into all of those. But when I look at pictures of my family a year ago and see the pillows, blankets and unhung clocks laying around our then un-renovated living room, it brings a true and honest smile to my face. This was our story a year ago and the plain walls and clutter doesn't bother me in the slightest. I can promise that it will be the same for you when you look back at your images in years to come. You wont even notice the clutter and if you do, it will likely just bring back all the feels that come with reminiscing about your younger children. 

The image can be great because there's the composition of the photo vs. the "pullback."

The pullback is what photographers refer to when describing the full setting of an image or the "wide shot." Often, the pull back is shockingly different than the actual image. Part of what makes an in-home photographer "good" at their job is being able to find the best layout and composition for an image within the setting they are presented. Just take a look at these images and then their pullback counterparts:

Final Image.

Final Image.



Final Image

Final Image



Final Image

Final Image


So if you have been holding back from booking a documentary in-home session because you felt like your house wasn't up to par for a photo shoot: DON'T! Just do it! Your future self will thank you as will your children when they get a glimpse into their everyday when they're older.

Like what you see? CONTACT ME.

South Bend Birth and Newborn Fresh 48 Photography - Lets Talk About the "C-Word"

Caesarean. C-Section. Surgery. 

This topic is so very important. So many women think that birth photography or even Fresh 48 sessions aren't for them if they are getting the dreaded "c-word" and I want to just clear one thing up: That. Is. Not. True. C-Section births are just as beautiful as "natural" births. Birth is birth is birth.

I bring this up for many reasons. First, because there is a stigma. For some reason, some people see caesareans as a weak way out or not a "real" birth. But I challenge this thinking in every way! These moms and moms-to-be had to make a seriously hard decision, often in the heat of a very scary moment, to do what is best for their babies. I'd dare to assume that no one stops and thinks, "Gee, I think I will opt for major abdominal surgery that leaves me bed ridden for twice as long as vaginal delivery and in pain and/or discomfort for months after my baby is born." It is not a decision that is ever made lightly. I speak from experience.

C-Sections are absolutely beautiful. The strength shown by the parents, the graceful and skilled dance that the nurses and surgeons do that brings a beautiful new life into the world - its all incredible. So if you are a c-section momma and you want birth photos or a fresh 48 session (or both), don't hesitate. This is your story and it is one to be proud of. Don't let it go untold. 

IV's, needles, stitches and staples can't hold back the beauty of a fresh c-section mom and baby. 

South Bend Birth, Newborn and Family Photographer - Fusion Film from "Boy Mom" Session

In case you missed the announcement: In 2017 I will be offering fusion films to my product menu! In order to sharpen my skills, the next few bookings I get will have the option to add this to their session for free.

Fushion Video - Boy Mom

Granger Birth, Newborn and Family Photographer - Stanger "Boy Mom" Session

While I love full family sessions, I also have a soft spot for mommy and mini's sessions! As moms, we are so frequently the ones behind the camera and rarely in the frame. Then, when we do get in the frame, we are so self critical that we instantly delete the images or let them be buried at the bottom of our hard drives, never to be seen again. What a shame that is! Think of our own mothers now that we are adults; don't you love seeing images of yourself as a child with your mom? Don't you want the chance to give that to your children down the road? Trust me, they won't notice your messy hair or extra holiday fluff, they will just notice how much you loved them and remember what a great mom you were (and are). Ok, rant over. 

So when Momma S scheduled this awesome session with her and her two adorable boys, I was thrilled! I was lucky enough to meet this sweet family through church and our kiddos ended up befriending each other (in fact, we decided to betroth them - we joke about this frequently). Anyway, Momma S is "that mom." The one that makes you want to be a better mom because she just rocks at momming so much. She balances her two boys, who are just over a year apart in age, with grace and poise and unlimited smiles. During this session, it was so fun to watch her interact with her sons and to see them absolutely adore her in return. Their bright, welcoming home was just the frosting on an already great cake. I am so excited to share this session with you and hope that this inspires any of you moms who have never considered a mom and minis session!  

Like what you see? CONTACT ME!

South Bend Indiana Newborn Fresh 48 Photographer - Hospital Fresh 48

It had been entirely too long since my last Fresh 48 session! While I will always love family sessions, Fresh 48 and birth photography is my where my heart is. I always love walking through the quiet halls of the mother baby unit knowing that I am getting a little sneak peek of a tiny person's first hours on earth. It's kind of humbling!

This session was unique for a few reasons: first, because it was super last minute! Secondly, because it was for the son of one of the amazing office managers/nurse's who worked with my husband and I during our pregnancy and birth. I was so excited to be able to give back to her family after the amazing experience our midwife group gave to us. Third, because it was the first session I've done where baby didn't have a name yet! It made it a little exciting ha ha. 

From the minute I walked into the room, it was obvious how loved this new baby boy was. Despite him being the umpteenth grandson and having multiple older siblings (his next closest being 9 years older), the excitement was unparalleled. In fact, mom stated that she "made the babysitters first," just for this little guy! And lets just pause to talk about the guest of honor. Baby boy was probably one of the most laid back newborns I have ever seen. I always have some sympathy for newborns; imagine living your life day in and day out exactly the same way for nine months and then suddenly...BOOM! Big, bright, loud new world. But this little guy seemed to have slid right into "our world" with no problem. He took everything in stride and hardly gave a wimper. It is my sincerest hope that his calm disposition continues (for mom and dad's sake) and that they share his surely epic name when it is official. What a great family!

Update: His name is Kyler :) :) :)

Michiana Birth, Fresh 48 and Family Documentary Photographer - Introducing a New Product for 2017!

I fell in love with photography about two years ago. Having the ability to freeze moments in time and instantly bring back all the feels of that exact second is just an awesome power to have. During this time of falling in love, I joined about 101 online groups and forums so that I could learn from all of the amazing documentary photographers out there and that is when I stumbled across something so unique and special. It was a total accident that I found this amazing woman and her business but after reading a blog post she wrote and then spending entirely too long drooling over her work, I was hooked. Francesca Russell Photography opened my eyes to documentary films.

Since then, I have been toying around with video and films through "One Second a Day" personal projects and then secretly taking some footage during a few of my more recent family sessions. In 2017, I plan to add fusion films to my product list! 


A fusion film is a compilation video that includes both stills and video to tell your story. I am head over heals in love with them and can't wait to offer them to my future families. For the first few months, upon a signed film model release, I will be working on building my video skills and so, if you book soon, you will essentially get a bonus fusion film for no extra cost. These films are truly priceless and both families that I presented fusion films to so far have ended up in happy tears and big smiles. Just check out this awesome tea party - 

Please note: Most videos presented to clients are approximately 2+ minutes. This film has been condensed for your viewing convenience. 


Like what you see? CONTACT ME!

Granger Newborn Baby and Family Documentary Photographer - Why Storytelling and Documentary Photography?

HAPPY 2017 EVERYONE!!! I hope that you all had a safe and great end to 2016 and are looking forward to the new year as much as I am. So, lets start the year off right and answer the ever nagging question...

"Why documentary photography???"

This is a question that I am certain crosses just about everyone's mind. When we are surrounded by beautiful portraits and stylized lifestyle images, it is very hard, maybe even uncomfortable, to think about stepping away from this genre. Especially when most of it is so beautifully done! So let me share my own personal experience that flipped the switch for me:

When my daughter was about 7 months old, we decided to do a family shoot. The photographer picked a beautiful location at a state park and we headed out for our session. Right when we got there, while carrying Baby F to the woods, I tripped and we both fell. Thankfully, neither of us were hurt, but we were both REALLY shaken. My normally happy, never-cries baby would not stop crying and wanted nothing to do with anyone except me. I wanted to just reschedule and call it quits, but at the encouragement of our photographer, we pressed on. I was sure we wouldn't get any usable images through the sobs and tears!

But we did. The images turned out adorable. Because the photographer was just that good.

Not a single one of those photos hangs on my walls.

 Why? Because it was a horrible experience! It was unnatural. It was uncomfortable. It was, well, fake. None of those images represented what I wanted to remember about my daughter! Where was her sweet personality? Our REAL baby smiles? Where was OUR honest story?

I started to think back on previous sessions and while all of the images were great, they just weren't real. I mean, I don't know about you, but I rarely put my baby in a bucket with a bow as big as her head at home! I realized that what I loved about photography is the ability to freeze reality; in my mind, there was nothing more beautiful than our every day, messy hair, baby spit up, chaotic days. That is what I wanted on my walls. That is what I wanted on my social media. That is what I wanted for our albums. And THAT is why I decided to offer that to you. I want you to have the every day beauty at your fingertips, to look back on whenever your heart aches for those moments and milestones. Real is so much better than ideal.

Storytelling and documentary photography is so much more than just pictures. It is a direct representation of your story; of the steps you're taking to get where you're going. Whether that means a messy house, or a pony tail and no makeup, or a baby in a t-shirt and diaper, if that's your story then that is what I want to capture for you! 

Like what you see? CONTACT ME.

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